Armed Security Guards

January 25, 2020

Education Requirements for Security Guards

The educational requirements to become a security guard vary from state to state. Whether or not being licensed is required depends upon whether or not the applicant wishes to go into armed or unarmed security as well as who the applicant chooses to work for. These factors cause the requirements to be a security guard to be vastly different. For example, bars and night clubs often only require their security force to follow local ordinances (if there are any), while armed guards or gaming security officers are required to go through extensive classes and training in order to obtain a […]
December 1, 2019

Understanding Security Guard Levels (Security Guard Ranks)

Understanding the Ranking System in the Security Field In the security field, ranking systems differ depending on the company. Generally, however, ranks range from watchman at the lowest rank to commander or chief at the highest rank. Here are the rankings and their meanings. Security officers may also have differing titles. Unarmed Security Guards Unarmed security guards typically have a lower training requirement and do not carry firearms. Unarmed security guard rankings are described below. Watchman A watchman is an entry-level security guard whose duties consist of watching only one location or position. A watchman typically does not carry any […]
December 22, 2017

Why Security Guard Services Are So Important

In today’s world, it’s important to do everything possible to stay safe. With numerous random shootings at work and other venues, terrorist attacks, and other crimes, the world often feels very unsafe. While police and other law enforcement personnel do an unbelievable job of putting themselves in harm’s way to protect others, private security guard services are playing a much more pivotal role in keeping the peace as well. Trained to perform a variety of security and life-saving procedures, today’s security guards are often the first line of defense when a dangerous situation happens. Because of this, security guard services […]
October 24, 2017

The Most Common Types of Security Guards

In every job a security guard is employed, whether that be for a corporation or an individual, they are a private security guard and not a public peace officer even though they also deal with the public. Security guards are needed in almost all venues from malls and banks to warehouses and museums. There are armed security guards who take on more risk and a more hands-on approach in their positions and unarmed guards whose functions are strictly of the observe and report approach. There are plainclothes security and uniformed security, and a security guard’s duties will depend on the […]
September 26, 2017

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Security?

Hourly wages for security guards run from a minimum floor of $12 to $14, with an average somewhere in the $18 to $22 range. However, highly trained security guards working in potentially hazardous conditions will generally expect significantly higher wages. These can approach $50 per hour (see the national security guard salary breakdown here). Factors Affecting Security Guard Price Many factors affect the market rate for security guard services, including experience, risk, training, and the nearby labor market. First, armed security guards tend to command higher wages than unarmed security guards. Armed security guards are assumed to be taking on […]
September 5, 2017

Best Armed Tactical Security Jobs of 2025

Many people think of security guards as lazy and under-trained. But armed tactical security can be both an exciting and a rewarding career. There are many paths you can take in the security field. To help guide you through that process, here is a summary of the best armed tactical security jobs of . Security Specialist A security specialist is akin to a police officer in terms of skill level. Security specialists often work in teams and have intimate knowledge of tactics and strategy. The job of a security specialist is to spot security flaws and fix them before they […]