It is essential for business owners to address concerns around the security of their business. One route you may want to consider is retaining the services of a security guard service to ensure the safety of your business, your employees, and your customers. Here, we’ll look at the top reasons for considering enlisting the services of a guard service.
6 Reasons to Consider Hiring Security
- Parking Lot Safety – Most business owners rent their buildings, which can mean they have limited control over the condition of the exterior of the property. Among other factors,you may not have control over the safety conditions of the parking lot. Inadequate lighting can attract a criminal element and cause your employees and customers to feel concern, during evening hours. Assigning a security guard to patrol the grounds can reduce the probability of vandalism and muggings.
- Are You in a High Crime Area? – Many business districts are considered high crime just because stores and service companies attract burglars, vandals, and thieves. If you are in a high crime area, hiring a security guard or two can help curb criminal activity and chase away an unsavory element.
- There is a Theft Problem – There are many methods of stealing and theft doesn’t always come from outside of the organization. From stealing company supplies to taking products, employees can pose as much of a risk to your bottom line as a thief walking in off the street. If you are experiencing shrinkage of any kind, a security guard patrolling the premise will likely curb the urge to steal from the business.By way of comparison, Small Biz Trends reports that businesses reported losses equaling $44 billion in 2014. Of that number, 34% was the result of employees stealing from their employers.
- For Safety’s Sake – Frequent workplace accidents resulting in worker’s compensation claims can prompt your insurance provider to request improvements. Hiring a security officer trained in safe work practices can help ensure fewer accidents on the job. Security personnel are often trained in safe practices in a workplace environment and those are skills they can pass onto your employees.Additionally, some insurers offer a discount for adding security personnel. Maintaining a guard presence in your store or business goes a long way toward showing your insurer that you take safety and security seriously. That alone may make it worth it to check into local security services.
- Security Officers Maintain Objective Records – This is another reason to enlist the help of security guards. In making their rounds, a security officer can record safety concerns and property damage in a daily report. This will help you address problem areas more efficiently and help reduce your liability in the event of an accident or mishap. While a security officer may not be equipped to make repairs, he can ensure you know about them in a timely manner.Another way security record keeping can benefit your business is by providing a written account of any crimes committed on the premesis. For instance, the officer will likely be the one to witness shoplifters or theft from an employee. By writing an incident report, the officer can keep accurate details and can even provide testimony in court. In the event that an incident results in the termination of an employee, the security officer can be utilized as an objective observer. As he’s employed by the security service and not by your business directly, he has no reason to take sides.
- High Volume Traffic – Especially in these times, when there are so many public shootings, keeping a watchful eye on high levels of visitors, customers, employees, and other personnel is probably a good idea. A security officer can check company badges, identifications, or just help monitor large groups of patrons and clients.
Another advantage of enlisting the help of a security company is the visual deterrent they represent. People often alter their behavior at the sight of an official, especially when he’s dressed in a uniform.
As the above list suggests, there are many reasons to consider retaining a security guard service. Whether your concern is for maintaining a safe environment, reducing liability, or curbing criminal behavior, a security service can provide highly trained personnel at a fraction of the cost of training your own employees. Additionally, security guards can supplement any electronic security system you may already have in place, which will undoubtedly please your company’s insurance provider. This can result in a break on premiums and extra discounts.
Finally, keeping security visible in the premises helps your customers feel safe and promotes safer workplace practices among your own employees. In weighing the cost of retaining security services against the high price involved in worker’s compensation claims, personal injury civil suits, and theft of your products, the choice seems clear.

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