Security Training Classes

Whether you have recently made the decision to pursue security classes, or you are simply exploring your options and want to know more about the process and what it takes to become a security guard, you have come to the right place. This website was designed with people like you in mind, it was created to help those looking into how to become a security guard, explains what the steps to becoming a security guard and much more. If you are thinking about signing up for security training classes or course work, the following information will help you understand what to expect as you enter a criminal justice school or security guard training classes.

Almost every state in the US has their own requirements that security guards must meet in order to be legally employed. These requirements can differ slightly from state to state, so if you are looking for specifics for your state you can search accordingly to gain more specific information. If you are looking to get a broader overview of what security guard training is, and what will be learned during your security training classes, then this page will give you an idea of what the training programs may look like and contain.

Security Classes 101

The curriculum that is taught in security classes is very similar no matter what program you choose to go with (either online or in a traditional classroom setting). The first 8 hours typically covers “power to arrest.” A security guard needs to understand all the requirements and procedures that need to take place in the instance that an arrest needs to be made. One of the main topics in how to de-escalate a situation that may be in the process of escalating. Recognizing that a situation is heading in an escalating direction is a key responsibility of security guards. Security guards also need to know how to properly restrain an individual. In addition to these important skills, your security guard classes will teach you many laws regarding people and property and how to uphold these laws. These skills are some of the most important skills a security guard needs training on, they are almost always covered within the initial 8 hours of security training classes.

After the initial 8 hour security class (prior to being able to work on the job), the following 32 hours of security training classes (16 of which need to be completed within 30 days of being hired, and the other 16 need to be completed within 6 months of being hired) will cover items such as weapons of mass destruction (or preventing terrorist type activities) and public relations. During the hours of training on weapons of mass destruction, a security guard trainee will be taught how to identify possible terrorist type activity and how to report it appropriately. Some identification of particular weapons and equipment will also be taught during this time. Public relations training includes training security guards to act in ways that will not border on stereotyping or discriminating against people. All suspect behavior needs to be based on the behaviors of people alone, and not on race or gender. Security guard training classes will also teach you to look for and recognize signs of mental illness in people, substance abuse, and aggression. These skills are taught in security classes so that a security guard can properly differentiate between behavior that is a concern, and behavior that is related to another factor.

How Long Do Security Guard Training Classes Take?

This differs slightly between states depending on the state mandated laws regarding minimum security guard training classes. Most states require a minimum of 8 hours of security classes prior to beginning work as a security guard with a company. Once these hours are complete (along with fingerprinting and background checks) a person can typically apply for and begin working as a security guard or security officer. There are more security guard classes to be completed, however, beyond these initial 8 hours. Most states then require an additional 16 hours of security classes to be completed within 30 days of being hired. This will be done in tandem with on the job security guard training for the specific company you would be working for. Another 16 hours is required within 6 months. Basically a total of 40 hours of security courses needs to be completed within the 6 months, along with everything else, but only 8 of it needs to be completed prior to getting hired and actually starting with a security guard company.

Can I Take Security Guard Classes Online?

The short answer to this question is: yes! There are many great security classes online these days to complete the required hours of course work for security guard training. However, it is important to make sure that the course you are signing up for is a legitimate and accredited course, and one that is accepted within the state you live in as a quality training course. One way to ensure the training that you are receiving is adequate is to check with area security guard companies and ask where their security guards have completed their schooling or course work hours. Often these companies can give you some leads as to which security guard schools they are familiar with, and which programs to steer clear of.

Why do I need to take a Security Guard Training Course?

These days’ security guard positions are considered positions of authority. Security guards are now respected, as they should be, as an avenue of crime prevention and protection for people and property. As such, there are many more state mandated requirements in order to ensure that the people who hold these positions of leadership in society are properly trained and background checked. This is the primary reasons why it is required for individuals to be properly trained. These laws and requirements have been put into place to ensure that security guards are indeed upstanding citizens who have been trained to protect and serve.

Who can enroll in Security Training Classes?

Anyone who meets the minimum requirements to become a security guard in a given state can enroll in security training classes. This means that in most states people who are 18 years of age or older, are legal US citizens and have a relatively clean criminal background check may apply to criminal justice schools or security guard classes. Many states require a type of identification guard which denotes that a person has submitted to a background check (both state and federal) and has been fingerprinted. The most common of these include the Guard Card and the PERC Card. Some states have more stringent requirements, while other states are a bit looser. It is important to check the requirements within your state prior to enrolling in security guard training classes, in order to be well informed and prepared.

Finding Security Guard Training Programs

There are many places that offer security guard training programs. These days most people opt to do the training hours online, rather than attending in-school classes, however, there are still places that offer in-classroom training for security guards. If you are the type of person who does better in a classroom environment then the first place you may want to look for a security training program is at your local vocational or tech school. Often these types of post-secondary establishments offer programs which equip you to become trained and certified in a specific vocation. Otherwise, you could also call a local security company to find out where most of their employees completed their training/course work hours. They may have great insight into the best programs available in your particular area, and give you the security guard programs that they tend to directly hire from.

If you are looking to complete your security guard course work hours online, it is important to ensure that whatever program you find and select is accredited or accepted by the state in which you live. There are many different security guard training programs offered online, so don’t simply select the first one you come across. Do your homework: meaning, make sure it is properly accredited so that you don’t waste your money. Also, shop around! Opt to receive information from a variety of schools and local training programs. Since there are so many programs available which offer the training needed to become certified as a security guard, there are many different price points and offerings of said programs. Shopping around and checking the prices of a number of different accredited programs could save you a lot of money in the long run. Also, keep in mind that some programs are offered as a bundle. Most states simply require a minimum of 8 hours of class work on security guard training prior to beginning your work as a security guard, but then require additional course hours to be completed within a certain time frame. Some security classes offer all of the course work hours at one price, while others offer the 8 initial hours at a base price, and the additional hours needed for certification are an additional cost. Some programs offer a cheaper rate to those who pay for all the security guard training classes at once. These are things to keep in mind as you are shopping around for the best security guard training classes for you.

Select your state below to find Security Guard Training Programs and Schools near you: